What meetings does this support?
Donations from this page support RDO meetings, meaning the ones listed on our homepage https://recoverydharma.online
Note that this is NOT “all online RD meetings”, but just the specific set that our community organizes.
Support recoverydharma.online!
Donate with Paypal
Donate with Zelle
US residents with accounts are encouraged to donate via Zelle, as there are no fees, unlike Paypal.
To donate using Zelle, simply send funds to rdofinancial@gmail.com
Donations cover our technical expenses:
- Registration of the recoverydharma.online domain name
- Zoom meeting accounts
- Website hosting
Long-term, any “extra” funds not needed for these costs will be re-donated to the global RecoveryDharma.org non-profit. Other costs will be discussed and agreed-on by the community at our quarterly Intersangha Business Meetings.
RDO Wish List
We aspire to grow and change as a community. Here are some items we may invest in if the financial resources are available:
- Better platforms for home page that facilitate recording, storing and listening to recordings of talks, and meditations
- Financially assisting those who represent Online and Phone meetings at events, such as National and Regional Conferences
Donating to Recovery Dharma Global
We also encourage you to support the international Recovery Dharma non-profit if you are able to do so: Donate to Recovery Dharma Global.
If you attend other online meetings hosted by other groups and local sanghas, please donate to them as well!
Principle of Generosity / Dana
Each Group relies on the generosity of its members.
The teachings, the practices and the community are precious beyond measure. We offer our time, energy and presence to each other freely.
We also practice financial generosity to help maintain our presence online and with the larger Recovery Dharma fellowship.