Note that the meetings below are only those run by RDO. For a full schedule of the 200+ online Recovery Dharma meetings, please check the Meetings List on »
Need more Timezones? Use the converter!
- Open the Time Zone Converter »
- It will show PT and ET (the times in the table above)
- Enter your local timezone to find out the difference
- Update the date+time in ET or PT to match a meeting to confirm your local time
We are working on a new timetable setup to support more timezones by default, but it is hard!
Thanks for your patience ??
Learn more about how we deal with Timezones and DST »
Workaround: RDO Google Calendar!

The best way to avoid these timezone problems is the RDO Google Calendar with all meetings in it! This calendar should show meetings in your local time no matter where you are, so we recommend it for anyone outside the USA.
How to use the RDO Google Calendar
- Click this link (same as the one above) to Add Calendar.
- You should see Google Calendar, with a popup showing an Add button.
- Clicking Add will permanently add the “Recovery Dharma Online” calendar to the My Calendars list in the sidebar on the left.
- Once you’ve Added the calendar, you can tick or untick the checkbox next to Recovery Dharma Online to show or hide all the meetings.
- In the future, if you click on the RDO Google Calendar link again, it will just open Google Calendar with the box ticked to show all RDO meetings.
NOTE: This process doesn’t work well on mobile devices! If it doesn’t work when you try to subscribe using a phone, please try again on a desktop/laptop computer!
About Our Meetings
RDO’s weekly meetings follow the standard Recovery Dharma format, including opening readings, guided meditation, and a period for sharing. Social time is also available before and after the meeting for open discussion and questions. Each meeting’s page explains any variations on the format that apply.
Most of our meetings use Zoom, and can be joined by computer, mobile device, or dialing in by phone. See the instructions on each meeting page for more details on how to get into the call.
About RDO is an independent sangha of Recovery Dharma members working together to facilitate online meetings since the organization began. We share resources and support each other in cultivating an online sangha with members across the globe.
Learn more about Recovery Dharma Online »
About Recovery Dharma
Recovery Dharma uses Buddhist practice and principles to heal the suffering caused by all types of addiction. It is an international community of people who host and participate in weekly meetings to support our sobriety and wellbeing through meditation, self-inquiry, and sharing.
Get the (free) Recovery Dharma book »
Read the Recovery Dharma FAQ»
Gratitude and Generosity
Recovery Dharma Online is organized by and for peers who are traveling and working on the RD Path. All events and resources are offered freely on a volunteer basis.
We collect donations to cover the technical expenses involved in hosting this website and the Zoom videoconference plaftorm.
Donate to Recovery Dharma Online »
This is a living document. To add comments or suggestions, please visit the Google Docs version:

Special thanks to Awesome Table for generously providing free usage of their service for the meeting table above!