Every three months, on the third Saturday of the month, the Recovery Dharma Online community (sangha) meets to discuss the functioning of our meetings and plans for the future. In Buddhist communities, planning committees like ours are often referred to as an Intersangha.


January, third Saturday

April, third Saturday

July, third Saturday

October, third Saturday


To see the rolling agenda of past meeting notes and future meeting agendas, visit our Intersangha Notes Google Doc. Agendas for upcoming meetings should be available at least a week in advance.


There is no meditation at Intersangha meetings, and the focus is on efficiently sharing resources and making decisions about the community in support of all our other, recovery-focused, meetings.

Meeting facilitators are encouraged to attend, and all community members are welcome to participate as well! Learn more about our governance and decision-making on the About RDO page.

This meeting uses the Zoom videoconferencing videoconferencing software which supports both internet and telephone.

To join using a laptop or smartphone, click the link above, which should open the Zoom app if you have it installed, or prompt you to download it if you don’t.

Zoom URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85690856866?pwd=ZlFSYktlenAzRWVqRitrVUdjUS82QT09

Joining by telephone

Meeting ID: 856 908 56866
Password: 1234

To dial in by phone, call the appropriate number below and enter the Meeting ID and Password when prompted (you don’t need a “Participant ID”, so just push # to skip that part).

  • +1 301 715 8592 US
  • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
  • +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
  • +44 330 088 5830 (UK)
  • +61 8 7150 1149 (Australia)
  • Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adV1f60LTE

Meeting Time
3rd Saturday of the Month each January, April, July, October


Need more Timezones? Use the converter!

  • Open the Time Zone Converter »
  • It will show PT and ET (the times in the table above)
  • Enter your local timezone to find out the difference
  • Update the date+time in ET or PT to match a meeting to confirm your local time

About Quarterly Intersangha Meetings

You can read the notes from previous meetings on our Google Doc Rolling Agenda:

If you’d like to suggest a topic for discussion at these meetings, please let us know about it via the contact form or by posting on the RDO Facebook Group. Learn more about our governance and decision-making on the About RDO page.

Intersangha meetings last 90 minutes and follow the set agenda described below.

  • Attendance listing
  • Meeting updates from facilitators
  • Reports from Treasurer, Web team, RD Global
  • Disscussion and decision about issues affecting the community
  • Dedication of Merit

Please arrive early: feel free to join 15 minutes prior to the meeting to check your technology is working and to socialize.


Everything seen and heard in Recovery Dharma meetings is strictly private and confidential.

Name and contact info: Zoom should ask you for your name the first time you log in. Be careful to use the name you would like to be visible during the meeting. You may also change your name during the meeting using the meeting settings.

Audio and video: Attendees are able to share their webcam video and audio if they would like to, or disable one or both for privacy.